Antenna Design
Antennas are often designed in isolation or under ideal conditions. Unrealistic antenna designs can lead to significant performance degradation once these antennas are mounted in the real platform. Poor performance in the antenna can impact the overall RF system performance. We can help you understand the installed performance early in the design cycle, when you have the time and flexibility to modify and optimize the design.
Chip antenna and 3d component assembly
Chip Antenna installed performance
Small chip antennas are crucial in modern electronics and Internet Of Things (IOT) devices. The antenna is a combination of the layout routing and the off the shelf chip antenna. Understand the installed performance of your chip antenna by integrating IP Protected antenna designs from leading manufacturers into your layout using ANSYS HFSS 3d components, or share your custom design with potential customers.
Installed antenna performance
Larger Structures
Many antenna design challenges arise from the multiple size scales and the electrically large nature of the problem of interest. We can show you many techniques that investigate everything from a single antenna component to a full size antenna tower efficiently and with accurate fully coupled solutions.
Automotive radar simulation
Dynamic environment interactions
In automotive radars, large electrical systems need to interact dynamically with its surrounding environment. This can be simulated efficiently using electromagnetic shooting bouncing ray techniques.
With this capability, installed performance of automotive radars can be predicted under various real world scenarios in order to ensure reliability and identify limitations before extensive road testing.