Thermal simulation for wearable devices
During this webinar, we will look at different tools available from the Ansys suite. Discuss the strength and weakness of different simulation method.
During this webinar, we will look at different tools available from the Ansys suite. Discuss the strength and weakness of different simulation method.
During this webinar, we will demonstrate a standard wireless charging simulation. Discuss the different applications of Ansys tools and share some tips and tricks of these types of analysis.
This webinar will demonstrate a few examples of down stream bioprocess simulations. Simulation of downstream bio-process helps to increase yield by understanding the flow patterns and optimizing the geometry and operating conditions of the equipment.
During this webinar we will discuss how to efficiently simulation drop and impact of portable electronics. How to model different types of failure using Ansys simulations tools.
During this webinar, we will discuss how human body can affect antenna performance, how we can mitigate this during the design process and design wearable device to be human body compatible.
This webinar will looks at how indoor spaces can be made safer through improved HVAC, outside air, fans and filters. Safe opening of businesses and schools requires good ventilation. We will use Ansys simulation tools and quantify the air changes per hour (ACH)
During this webinar we will demonstrate the 5G system level simulation with phased array antenna. By using ANSYS HFSS-SBR+ (ray tracing) to generate the antenna pattern of the phased array antenna and the mmwave map-based channel model with real world surrounding environment information.
This webinar will cover fluid dynamics simulation for semi-conductor processing equipment. We will look at flow uniformity, species transport and surface reactions.
This webinar will demonstrate MRI system setup in ANSYS Electronic Desktop, and running the simulation to calculate the SAR value with HFSS.
This webinar will discuss the benefits of using simulation results for FDA submissions.
This webinar will cover solder joint reliability simulation using the standard Darveaux approach.
RF coil setup inside vacuum chamber of wafer processing system, ANSYS HFSS helps to check uniformity under critical environment.
Come join use to learn how CFD simulations can accelerate scale up and downstream bioprocessing applications.
RFID simulation includes antenna and the circuit system to extract system performance under different scale of environment.
Setup electronics cooling problems faster with ANSYS ICEPAK.
How to integrate connectors to PCB in a high speed system to improve SI/PI/EMC.
Explore with us the wide range of simulations available in ANSYS Discovery AIM.
Map based communications channel model that enables fast and accurate 5g communication system models.
Enable real time solutions with a wide range of reduced order models created by ANSYS.
Quickly investigate the trade-offs in electric motor design using ANSYS motor design suite.
Materials selection made easy with material universe and ANSYS CES Selector
Flow over blunt bodies like buildings, towers and basic cylinders are often inherently unstable.
This webinar will demonstrate what is needed to get an accurate drag force prediction and quantify the error of different turbulence models.
Magnetic force position curves are very important for designers today. Permanent magnets are used as fasteners, connectors and actuators in many of today’s electronics devices.
This demonstration will show how to setup a standard magnet placement simulation.
Understand and quantify design trade-offs with simulation.
This Webinar demonstrates the power of exploring the design space through simulation for preliminary design and design optimization.
Press fit, snap fit and sliding contact are typically the first non-linear problems designers need to deal with.
In this webinar, we will demonstrate how to efficiently handle this non-linearity in simulation.
Reducing the number of decoupling capacitors frees up valuable board space and reduces cost.
This webinar will demonstrate the power of simulation driven decoupling capacitor optimization.
Fluid mixing takes place on vastly different scales, from microfluidics devices to 10k liter mixing tanks. This webinar will demonstrate the capability of CFD tools to predict various types of mixing and multiphase flows.
Antenna matching and interference are challenges that generally result in poor performance or faster battery drain.
In this webinar we will demonstrate how to use simulation to ensure proper matching and minimize desense.
Use simulations to predict time to failure for thermal cycling, shock and vib.
S-parameter extraction helps engineers understand insertion, return and cross talk among high speed nets. In this webinar, we will discuss how to do these analyses accurately for today’s high speed devices.